The Li-Fi
The Li-Fi or Light Fidelity is a Visible Light Communications (VLC). This system uses the light to deliver information.
Contrary to the Wi-Fi which use waves to deliver information the Li-Fi is a connexion with the light.
Regarding the Li-fi the data which come from internet are converted by the router in electrical signal.
Then we send this signal on the LED, it insures the transition of the lights signal. The information can be transmitted via the LED.
Indeed, by turning off and on several thousand times per second it transmits the signal (a 1 if it lights a 0 if it goes out).
The captor sensitive to the light reconvert the lights signal on data compose of 0 and 1 (numeric signal).
This data can be read by your computer, your smartphone, your tablet computer….
This type of communication possesses lots of advantage. Indeed, the Li-Fi is a good alternative to the radio waves, the light waves aren’t harmful for human body.
Despite this principle can’t be hacked or at least it’s difficult because the light contrary to the Wi-Fi don’t cross the walls.
Moreover, the Li-Fi use high-speed and without much interference.
The Li-Fi become a wireless technology more and more encouraging
The possibilities of use are numerous (road network, geolocation, underwater communication, etc.)